Saturday, March 14, 2009

Irish Lace Cloth

I've never been able to complete any lace project.  I've looked at lace patterns that are gorgeous and way too intricate for this "little girl".   Irish Lace is definately the most elegant of all laces, in my humble opinion.   I decided to give this cloth a try.  It was so easy to do, I actually copied the instructions on an index card and knitted away.  I didn't find any row confusing or hard to understand.  Definately a plus in my knitting repertoire! I can imagine a beautiful scarf made from this pattern.  Humm!  Gotta run, I need to find other lace patterns that I can create a Pièce de résistance for my happy little home!

1 comment:

  1. OOOOh! That is a beauty! And perfectly made (of course) :)
