Sunday, August 23, 2009

My New Sewing Machine!

My husband just bought my a new beautiful sewing machine.  I am at awe everytime I sew something.  My, have they changed over the years!  I decided I needed to organize my sewing room, so I made a mat for my machine to sit on.  Can't have it sliding around on me while I am creating a masterpiece.  I added vinyl pockets so that I would have things up close when needed.  I also added a little pocket on top of the mat to store my scizzors in.  Seems I can never find them when I need them.  The pocket opening faces me for easy grabbing in a pinch.  I also added a chair caddy to make my chair even more comfy while sewing.  I added pockets in the front so that I could easy find notions as I was ironing and etc.  Oh my, I still have plans of making a caddy for my ironing board to hold press cloths, wooden iron, small ruler and etc.  I am organizing so well, I think I need more notions! ;o)


  1. This looks so good, I wish I could sew.

  2. That is a wonderful idea. I never thought of doing those things. Now that I can no longer sew they are things I would love to make ;=}


  3. New sewing machines are always great fun! I hope you are still enjoying it.

    I ran across your link on the Sewing Circle site this morning and browsed over a cup of hot tea.

    oxo Judy

  4. I love all those things you have sewn and think I may have a go at something similar for myself. I could do with a padded chair back and also something to go under my machine front for holding scissors, pencil, tape etc.
